You know, I just can't walk past a mirror without taking a self portrait.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

 Brandt's Cormorant Breeding Season ... La Jolla Cove.

Currently (2024.05.01) the cliffs at La Jolla Cove are filled with nests. It is breeding season for the Brandt's Cormorant. The cliffs are active with nests, hatchlings, and adults. The throat pouch of the birds turns bright blue during this period, normally black matching the birds feathers. Both adults not only care for and feed the hatchlings, they are also constantly primping them.

Here are eight images from the other morning.

 Just a small area of the cliffs, white with bird dung. 

As noted the Throat pouch turns bright blue. 

A male performs a ritual to attract his female and warn off other males. 

An adult sitting on the eggs. I noticed the bird moved around occasionally, so I patiently waited until I could get a shot with an egg visible.

Below are 3 shots of adults with hatchings, ranging from newly hatched to almost mature.

All shots were with Sony a7iv and Sony 100-400 GM OSS lens.

As always, all images are ©PeterPolitanoff and may not be reproduced without explicit permission.
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